mtm-gifts.com has been successfully serving the EU market since 2000.
We are an International oriented on-line wholesaler in trendy gift & design lifestyle products.
In addition to our own metalbrand ‘meta[l]morphose’ & home lifestyle brand ‘Dhink’ we also offer lifestyle products from other designers worldwide.
The main features of the products we offer are a well balanced price/quality, combined with funky, fresh, trendy and functional appeal. (Our products do not fit in the ‘lowest-budget’ category). We offer our customers ready for sale solutions with attractive packaging and/or display concepts.
In addition to our 24/24, 7/7 mtm also offers OEM products and store projects. OEM & Private label can also be directly shipped from HongKong or Yantian warehouse. Local staff in HK/ China guarantees perfect quality and smooth delivery for your project.
feel free to also visit our brand websites !