MTM-GIFTS bvba (Head office)
Industriezone Kuurne,
St-Katriensteenweg 43 gate 2,
8520 Kuurne, Belgium
Tel.: (+32)56 351 017 Fax.: (+32)56 758 985
MTM-GIFTS Hong Kong Ltd.
Room 1003, 10/F., Centre Point, 181 – 185 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
香港灣仔告士打道 181 - 185 號 中怡大廈 20 樓 2004 室
Tel: +86 769 829 66990 Fax: +852 3526 1871
(CHINA OFFICE : Dongguan China : Contact Ms Chen Yutong +86 86888 16605)
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